In pursuing its business goals, ORLEN Upstream pays particular attention to compliance with The core values and standards of conduct of PKN ORLEN , which is a collection of important and clear principles to remind all our employees about ORLEN Group’s key values: Responsibility, Progress, People, Energy, Dependability. The document describes model behaviour patterns and attitudes, which are desirable both inside of the organisation and in relations with external stakeholders. The core values and standards of conduct of PKN ORLEN also presents key elements necessary to establish an employee-friendly work environment, issues related to safety, hints on how to effectively and reliably communicate with other employees, and the principle of the equality of all employees as far as employment, promotion, and professional development opportunities are concerned. The document also describes preferred attitudes of the employees outside their workplace. Furthermore, it discusses the question of using company property, as well as accepting and offering financial or material gains. The core values and standards of conduct of PKN ORLEN also discusses rules on the employees running competing businesses, as well as issues pertaining to information protection and the keeping of financial data. A separate chapter discusses the external environment of ORLEN Group companies. The document provides a systematic explanation of the employees’ conduct vis a vis clients, shareholders, local communities, business partners, competitors, and the natural environment. It also provides guidelines on what to do and who to approach when one comes across a breach of the values and principles discussed in the document.
The core values and standards of conduct of PKN ORLEN is available on:
Another important document for ORLEN Group, which discusses attitudes and behaviour vis a vis external stakeholders, is the CSR Strategy for PKN ORLEN. The document builds on the definition of ‘corporate social responsibility’ used in the Group, construed as the compatibility of corporate value growth with the interests of the environment in which the company operates, based on sustainable and responsible use of resources. The Strategy defines CSR priorities in three areas: inside the organisation, in its close and distant surroundings. In the first area, it is key to build relationships on the basis of employee safety, development and diversity management, and support for the work-life balance and the employees’ social engagement. The objective for the ‘close surroundings’ area is to shape attitudes. This manifests itself through stakeholder involvement, developing social sensitivity in the company’s business partners, and gaining an image of a responsible company. In its relations with its ‘distant surroundings’, ORLEN Group is a change leader, fostering responsible growth, setting industry-leading standards of business ethics and environmental protection, and supporting new business areas and innovation. CSR Strategy for PKN ORLEN also describes a selection of projects and activities the company is involved in in pursuit of its corporate social responsibility objectives.
The CSR Strategy for PKN ORLEN document is available on:
As part of the implementation of the provisions found in The core values and standards of conduct of PKN ORLEN and CSR Strategy for PKN ORLEN, and in order to supplement them with information strictly related to the specificity of exploration & production operations, ORLEN Upstream has introduced two additional documents: Best Practices Catalogue of ORLEN Upstream and CSR Policy.
In Best Practices Catalogue of ORLEN Upstream, guidelines of conduct have been presented for every level and stage of ORLEN Upstream’s operations. The guidelines include a range of topics, such as: organisational culture, operations, protection of the natural environment, employee safety, and communication with the stakeholders. The document also discusses the most important certificates and accolades received by ORLEN Upstream. It also includes a collection of good practices relating to the area of procurement. A Code of Conduct for the employees is also included in Best Practices Catalogue of ORLEN Upstream and every person employed by ORLEN Upstream is obliged to abide by it.
Best Practices Catalogue of ORLEN Upstream can be downloaded on:
Compliance with the principles of corporate social responsibility at ORLEN Upstream is regulated by its CSR Policy, according to which the company undertakes to carry out its operations in the exploration & production business in a way that respects the interests of the environment in which it operates, and based on sustainable and responsible use of natural resources. The document emphasises certain areas and activities related to the specifics of the upstream segment, in which the employees and subcontractors are obliged to act with particular regard to CSR issues.
The CSR Policy is available on: [link]