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Shale Gas The Lublin Region Is All for It

10-12-2011  News

A majority of people in our region are for the extraction of shale gas, even close to their own houses. This is the finding of a poll conducted by TNS OBOP [public opinion research centre] on a sample of 1000 respondents.
A prevalent opinion among the respondents was that the exploitation of shale gas would be beneficial for the region and it would be damaging neither to people nor to the nature. The poll was commissioned by MEP Professor Lena Kolarska-Bobińska. “It appears that shale gas is perceived here as an opportunity rather than a threat”, comments the MEP.
The inhabitants of the Lublin region seem to have a more positive attitude towards shale gas than the Poles in general. Close to three-fourth of the respondents have no objections whatever to shale gas being extracted close to their places of residence. Nation-wide, a statement to this effect was made only by 56 percent of the respondents, while one in five was against it, both in the Lublin region and in the entire country. “These people must not be disregarded. They must be provided instead with sound information”, adds Kolarska-Bobińska. “Only in this way can many myths surrounding shale gas be dispelled”.
Source: Dziennik Wschodni Lubelski , 2011-12-10, p. 3, by jsz
On this subject also in:
Gazeta Wyborcza Lublin, p. 4, Nie boimy się gazu łupkowego [We Are Not Afraid of Shale Gas]
Polski Kurier Lubelski, p. 5, Łupkom mówimy zdecydowane tak [A Firm “Yes” for Shale Gas]


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