Wieslaw Prugar, Masters of Enginiering – CEO Orlen Upstream Ltd., has won the prestigious “Silver Engineer 2009” aword on “Przegląd Techniczny” (144 years existence on the market, technical magazine addressing wide range of technical issues) plebiscite in the manager category, for extensive experience, innovative solutions for organizational development of PKN ORLEN’s upstream activity in Poland and international, using his own ideas for developing methods of risk assessment and analysis of exploration and production projects.
The competition for this award has been conducted for the last 16 years by the editors of “Przegląd Techniczny” and Scientific and Technical Societies Federation (NOT) under the auspices of the Science and Higher Education Ministry.
Candidates are advanced by NOT associations, winners from previous years, and journalists involved in science and technology. The titles are awarded in five categories: science, high-tech manager, ecology and quality.
Wieslaw Prugar is a graduate of the Academy of Science - Metallurgical in the direction of Mechanical , postgraduate studies in Management in the Energy Markets at the Technical University in Gliwice and the postgraduate School of Economics in Warsaw in the direction of Management of Company Finance.